Thursday, August 2, 2012

The 1st

Soooo here we go... This is the FIRST official blog for Deeper Than My Thoughts.... I can pretty much guarantee that I will be possibly posting more than one blog in a day because thats how my mind works. Unless Im hankering down and super busy with KXBB (thats my business Kozmik Xxplosion Body & Beauty). 

I have tons of things that I really need to get out of my head and that I need to share... I do hope that I dont end up doing the most over here but that you all enjoy my musings...

Welcome to DTMT!!!


  1. Yaaay, getcho write on. Writing (when you're inspired to) can truly be a load off of the mind. Can't wait to see what else is on your mind!

  2. Thank you hunny... I feel a lil something more coming this evening.... Im feeling some kinda way right now...

  3. Well go ahead then. When you're blogging, it's best to just let it all hang out.

  4. Welcome to the blogosphere, and I'm sure you'll find that writing can be very cathartic.

  5. Thanks James! ITs definitely going to be a welcome outlet...
